Kompetenzbereiche: Wissen und Verstehen; Einsatz, Anwendung und Erzeugung von Wissen; Kommunikation und Kooperation; Wissenschaftliches Selbstverständnis/Professionalität.
After successful completion of this module, the students will be able to perform error detection and error correction in digital transmissions schemes and digital storage systems. Furthermore, the students will be able to perform channel encoding and channel decoding.
The students will be capable to distinguish between different code families, particularly block codes and convolutional codes. Furthermore, they will be able to perform suitable decoding methods, like syndrome decoding for block codes and Viterbi decoding for convolutional codes. Additionally, they can construct serial and parallel concatenated codes and use them in digital systems.
In lab experiments, the students will emulate data transmission. They will model channel coding schemes and design suitable decoding methods in order to perform error detection and error correction. They will exploit different decoding schemes (hard-decision vs soft-decision decoding, maximum-likelihood decoding, Viterbi algorithm). The students will be able to measure bit error rates and to evaluate the decoders in different simulation environments.
Due to group-wise problem solving with typically just two students per group, problems can be solved efficiently. Soft skills like communication skills will be trained. The students will learn to split complex problems into sub-tasks and to join the corresponding sub-results.