
Allgemeine Informationen
Advanced Cloud Computing
Advanced Cloud Computing
Prof. Dr. Ehlers, Jens (
Prof. Dr. Ehlers, Jens (
Sommersemester 2024
1 Semester
In der Regel im Sommersemester
Studiengänge und Art des Moduls (gemäß Prüfungsordnung)
Studiengang Vertiefungsrichtung Schwerpunkt Modulart Fachsemester
M.Sc. - MCS - Computer Science Pflichtmodul
M.Sc. - MIE - Information Engineering Wahlmodul

Kompetenzen / Lernergebnisse
Kompetenzbereiche: Wissen und Verstehen; Einsatz, Anwendung und Erzeugung von Wissen; Kommunikation und Kooperation; Wissenschaftliches Selbstverständnis/Professionalität.
Students know the fundamentals of cloud computing, virtualization, containers and cluster management. They know modern cloud platforms, cloud-native architectures and common cloud security issues.
Students can employ cloud platforms, cloud-native and containerization technologies for real-world problems.
Students have experience in organizing cloud computing projects, they can solve project tasks and present their results.
Students are able to perform professional work in the field of cloud computing and to assess challenges in cloud environments. Furthermore, they can understand and select relevant scientific literature concerning the field of cloud computing.
Angaben zum Inhalt
* Fundamentals of cloud computing
* Virtualization, containers and cluster management (e.g. Docker and Kubernetes)
* Cloud-native applications, microservices und serverless architectures
* Cloud providers (e.g. Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services)
* Monitoring of cloud services
- Nane Kratzke: Cloud-native Computing – Software Engineering von Diensten und Applikationen für die Cloud; Hanser
- Douglas Comer: The Cloud Computing Book – The Future of Computing Explained; CRC Press
- Sam Newman: Building Microservices – Designing Fine-Grained Systems; O’Reilly
- Brendan Burns et al.: Kubernetes – Up and Running; O'Reilly
Lehrformen der Lehrveranstaltungen
Lehrform SWS
Lehrvortrag 1
Labor 3
5,0 Leistungspunkte
48 Stunden
102 Stunden
Prüfungsform Dauer Gewichtung wird angerechnet gem. § 11 Satz 3 PVO Benotet Anmerkung
Projektbezogene Arbeiten 100 % The students work on a current cloud technology topic, write a project report and present their work.
- Knowledge about version control with Git
- Familiar with command-line interfaces
- Efficient use of at least one programming language